las vegas  hilton

My favorite place in the world to vacation is Las Vegas and my favorite place to stay is the Las Vegas Hilton. I would have never realized these things about myself, had I not stayed there on a whim last year. Taking a trip to the Las Vegas Hilton was the perfect idea after my long and stressful year. I just had to get away and I wanted to treat myself to something lavish and fun, I truly believe that I found the perfect place to do that.

While staying at the Las Vegas Hilton, I was pampered in so many different ways. I had spa treatments, sun-bathed by the pool and gambled in the casino, plus the views are amazing. I have never stayed in a more comfortable room at a hotel before. The beds at the Las Vegas Hilton are the most wonderful beds I have ever felt. I could not believe how well I slept while I was there, as I always have difficulties sleeping at hotels. I honestly felt like a different person by the time I was packing to leave the Vegas Hilton. I jokingly refer to that trip as the therapeutic getaway that saved my sanity!

The next time that I need a break, I will be racing to get back to my beloved Hilton in Las Vegas. I can not imagine a more perfect way to treat myself and I can not wait until I can go back.